

Model 2XZ Direct-drive Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump



Unique Structure
Adopting production technology of Model DUO 0168B introduced from Balzers Corp.Switzerland in 1992.
Small Dimensions.
Low Noise.
Immersing motor and pump body together in oil bath, Eliminating oil leak thoroughly.
The Location of the Discharge Pipe can be changed from vertically to horizontally or vice only by Changing the installation Mode of the Inlet
Equipped with Safe valves and Venting valves
Allowing automatic air-admission when the pump stops runing, preventing oil contamination to vacuum system and facilitating vapour removal


Item/Model Unit 2XZ-2B 2XZ-2CI 2XZ-4B 2XZ-4CI 2XZ-8D 2XZ-15D
Volume flow rate at L/S(m3/h) 2.3(8) 2.3(8) 4.5(16) 4.5(16) 9(34) 18(68)
Ultimate pressure Partial. (without gas ballast) Pa 2×10-2 2×10-2 2×10-2 2×10-2 2×10-2 2×10-2
Total. (without gas ballast) Pa 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1
Partial. (with gas ballast) Pa 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1 6×10-1
Total.(with gas ballast) Pa 9×10-1 9×10-1 9×10-1 9×10-1 9×10-1 9×10-1
Water Vapour capacity g/h 360 360 700 700 570 1150
Noise (without gas ballast) dB(A) 65 65 65 65 70 70
Operating temperature οC 90 90 90 90 90 90
Motor Phase   3 Single 3 Single 3 3
Voltage V 380 220 380 220 220/380Δ/γ 220/380Δ/γ
Power Kw 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.55 1.1 1.5
Rotating speed r/min 1420 1420 1420 1420 1400 1400
Weight kg 23 24 30 32 70 90

Performance curves

Installation Dimensions

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